Our New Wrist Prayer Shawl |
Before Bob and I ever met, I received my true calling from God, sitting in the second row of the little, country Baptist Church I belonged to; I was shocked in 2001 when He showed me I was to become a Pastor, to stand up on a pulpit and preach the gospel, to point others to God, not just through music, but through the scriptures and preaching/teaching the word of God before congregations, not just a small class room of kids, it scared me to death and I also began to argue with Him that a woman could not be a pastor, I wasn't to win that argument at all. So I started working on messages, seminars, and projects that I would have NEVER believed would come out of me.
One of our Mens Prayer Blanket |
In 2008, I was walking through the store, I saw this loom hanging in the craft aisle, and it totally caught my eye. I was never much able to Crochet, could NEVER learn to Knit, and I always wanted to learn, I just seemed to never be able to figure it all out and didn't have much confidence that anyone would ever be able to teach me. Then when I found this loom, I started looking at the instructions, seeing how to create a stitch, all the possibilities of what could be made with a loom, and that it looked so beautiful, "perfect," and how uniform the stitches were, I thought to myself, "even I can't mess this one up!" I immediately bought a loom, bought some yarn, took them home and shared it with my husband. I started showing him all the things I could make with one, all the ideas for Christmas and birthday gifts I could think of, and he and the kids all said, "I want one too." So thus began our endeavor to learn and make items through looming.
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Looming a Prayer Shawl |
My children grew very interested in what we had done, they wanted to know more about healing, praying in agreement, and what the power in the cloth was all about. I began to show them in the scriptures where Paul was given the gift of healing in his hands, and when he was not able to visit the sick he heard about, he would send anointed prayer cloth, on his behalf and many were healed through his Prayer Cloth Ministry. (Acts 19:11-12) I showed them the scriptures where the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years pressed through the crowd, knowing by faith if she could just reach, even just the hem of Christ's garment, she would be made whole. (Luke 8:41-56, Matt 9:18-26, and Mark 5:25-34), there was another place in the Book of Mark, there is a story, where when Christ and the Disciples reach the shore of Gennesaret, the men saw Him coming and KNEW who He was, they began running through their villages, towns, and the entire region announcing His arrival. They knew He would not have time to see every single sick person in their individual homes, so they lined the streets with the beds of the sick, and as He walked through the streets, all they had to do was reach out and touch His garment and they were healed. (Mark 6:53-54)
I began to explain to them, it isn't the cloth, it wasn't the hem of His garment or the oil anointing the cloth that has the power. It is God who has the Power, and the power of healing came to these people, NOT because they touched the garment, it is in the scriptures, it was the FAITH they had in Christ, in who He was, in knowing that if they could just touch something, a piece of Him, that they would be healed. God could have healed them without the touch, just because of their faith in knowing that it could just take a touch, but through their actions, through their follow through BY FAITH, that is where they received their healing. The oil has no power, it is a symbol of the anointing that Jesus had because of who He is. The word Christ means anointed one, the oil we use, is a symbol of Jesus' anointing He had on Himself, and to invite the Holy Spirit to anoint, bless, and use the shawl, blanket, cloth, or whatever item we use for each individual. The power is in our faith that God will use us, us our shawls and cloths as a tool to show others the unfailing love and power of God, it is tangible evidence of God's love and love of others who are praying for them as they go through whatever trial they are facing. It is a symbol of God's arms wrapped around them for comfort and to cheer their hearts.
We began to make prayer shawls for family members, for church friends as they needed healing or comfort. Then they would tell us about someone else they knew who needed prayer, we would not only pray for them, but offer them a prayer cloth or shawl, anoint them, and give them to the person in need. We decided this was an aspect of ministry we had never heard of in churches, in our own community. We wanted to make an impact to others for the Lord, if He impressed on our hearts others needed to be healed, then He would supply the grace for their healing, supply the equipment and the material we needed to create these wonderful witnessing tools for Him.
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Anointing Ceremony for Prayer Shawl |
God showed us the guidelines He would have us to use for this ministry, see below:
- Recipients could be anyone in need of healing, hurting, or struggling with a trial of any kind.
- The items given out can be a Prayer Shawl, Cloth, Wrist Prayer Shawl or Blanket
- Each item will be hand made, either through sewing, looming, crocheting, knitting
- Every item had to be prayed over while being made
- Each Item had to be made with a specific person or need in mind
- They were to always be anointed with oil and prayed for, before distribution
- These items are to be given away FREE OF CHARGE
ReplyDeleteHello frist let me say thank you and god bless you!
ReplyDeleteI am 54 and disable
Been sick off and on alot growing up and just finish chemeo for liver i am now in remission.i reasonly started a war room of prayer for healing! I am learning how to pray and live for jesus even tho i stay sick i beleave i saw heaven so i know theres something after death.i also have a friend who also going threw the cancer treatment like me and her kindeys are damage and we both have damage liver and together turning are lifes over to jesus!
The lord must have heard my prayer for a healing blanket.
I heard of them in hospital and never was told how to get one then in search of someone who can give us one! And somehow stubble upon this site.
Please send one to Darlene Hester
350 ebell rd. Guntersville Ala. 35976 for healing and bracelet be find i am a small person
Then my friend sarah burch 699 ebell rd. Guntersville Ala 35976
She a big girl wants a bracelet too for healing. Thank you and god bless you to moon and beyond heaven! Darlene and sarah
I will add you and your friend to the list of wrist cuffs. Thank you for your encouragement.
Deletehow can we request a blaket? i would love one for my daughter who was born early at 30 weeks she has came a long way she now is 15 months and still tiny and has issues with her mental processing and still has not walked or crawled the doctors seem to think she wont walk but i ihave faith she will. she has braces on her legs, i would love to have one to put in her crib so she will be blessed email for address bowieb14@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI would be honored to make a prayer blanket for your daughter. I will contact you soon.
DeleteI would like a prayer blanket. How do I request one?
ReplyDeleteI would love to request a prayer blanket for my aunt Doreen Williams who is ill with Diabetics and artritis please see email for her address shebamja29@yahoo.com God Bless You
ReplyDeleteI would love a prayer blanket my grandmother died and I'm still trying to get back to myself, on top of that I have post partum depression after my 4th child I'm in need of comfort and prayer. My grandmother used to make those
ReplyDeleteMay I please request a prayer shawl be sent to me.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Niski Paredes
162 one half such rd
Livingston TX 77351
I'm 53 years old and battling severe depression. Thank you so much.
May I please request a prayer shawl be sent to me.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Niski Paredes
162 one half such rd
Livingston TX 77351
I'm 53 years old and battling severe depression. Thank you so much.
Hi can I request for a prayer shawl. Name : Darshini Kalaichelvam
ReplyDeleteAddress : No 6,Jalan Indah,
3/10 Ampang Indah,
68000 Ampang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Please pray that my family will receive Christ as their Saviour and there will be marriages taking place in my family.
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you
ReplyDeleteby name, you are mine Isa43:1b
Changing lives making disciples Reaching the world
My Grace is sufficient for you 2cor 12:9.
Love God love people Serve God, Serve People
Almighty Grace Gospel Welfare Ministries Regd 45/98
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all people Ps 96:2-3 Matt 28:19-20 & James 1:27
Greetings: Beloved greet you and invite you to our place to share gospel of Jesus Christ. I am pastor& founder of this ministry doing independently among rural & tribal congregations under Non-denominational ministry in word and deed.
Our church presents the gospel as to turns non-Christians into believers, believers into disciples and disciples into mature, fruitful leaders who will in turn go into the world and reach others for Christ..Doing ministry among rural, tribal congregations.
Our Programs: Church Planting, Training leaders, Evangelism, orphanage Street children, distribution of bibles and clothing. Kid bible club Medical Aid to poor and others.
Prayer Request: We are constructing a church in rural area the size of church is 75 feet long , 22.5 feet width, It was slab completed pray for completion of church and its needs. If you give your Skype I will text to you. The details of church
construction will be send to you
Greetings Equipping Serving, Spreading, Training leaders feeding programs Warm Welcome to share the word of Gods in our place URs in Christ Bro.Rao
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you
by name, you are mine Isa43:1b
Changing lives making disciples Reaching the world
My Grace is sufficient for you 2cor 12:9.
Love God love people Serve God, Serve People
Almighty Grace Gospel Welfare Ministries Regd 45/98
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all people Ps 96:2-3 Matt 28:19-20 & James 1:27
Greetings: Beloved greet you and invite you to our place to share gospel of Jesus Christ. I am pastor& founder of this ministry doing independently among rural & tribal congregations under Non-denominational ministry in word and deed.
Our church presents the gospel as to turns non-Christians into believers, believers into disciples and disciples into mature, fruitful leaders who will in turn go into the world and reach others for Christ..Doing ministry among rural, tribal congregations.
Our Programs: Church Planting, Training leaders, Evangelism, orphanage Street children, distribution of bibles and clothing. Kid bible club Medical Aid to poor and others.
Prayer Request: We are constructing a church in rural area the size of church is 75 feet long , 22.5 feet width, It was slab completed pray for completion of church and its needs. If you give your Skype I will text to you. The details of church
construction will be send to you
Greetings Equipping Serving, Spreading, Training leaders feeding programs Warm Welcome to share the word of Gods in our place URs in Christ Bro.Rao
May I please request a prayer shawl be sent to me.
ReplyDeleteThank you.BBRao 63.812 Kwary center RJY India533102
You a truly blessed to be a blessing may i requst a Prayer Shawl my husband hurts with pain all the time i pray for him often. Thank you in advance. 80 watchun ave Monclair n.j 07043 973_641_0974... ladyadams316@gmail.com