Thank you to so many who have called and wanted to know more about our prayer shawl ministry, or who have asked for us to send one to you, At this time, I am having to suspend requests for prayer shawls, because I am simply overwhelmed with requests already and need to finish the ones I have already started before I can take on anymore.

When I started this venture I had several people wanting to help and many who were helping me make these items for others, but through the years, in the business of other's lives and through a battle with sickness of my own that had me down for a while, I have become the only one making these precious items for you. I am still praying everyday for the ones on my prayer list, so if you have a need and would like me to pray for you, please feel free to email me and I'll add you to our confidential prayer list, but I cannot add any more requests for shawls, blankets or prayer cloths at this time.
I pray that I will be able to begin taking requests soon, but until then, I wanted to thank so many for their support and prayers through this adventure with the Lord.