We are so happy to become partners, friends, and/or a blessing to you today.
Ministers Robert and Janet Clausen |
C/O Ministers Robert and Janet Clausen
2816 Main St.
Anderson, IN 46016
Office: 765-631-1468
To contact the Ministry or Minister Janet Directly:
Email: LivingSacrifice2003@gmail.com
To reach Pastor Robert Directly:
Email: 300Streams@live.com
Our Ministry Resources and Sites:
- Living Sacrifice Ministries - http://LivingSacrificeMinistries.blogspot.com
- A Word from Pastor Bob - http://FromPastorBobsHeart.blogspot.com
- Godly Parenting Help and Encouragement - http://MommaJ-BecauseISaidSo.blogspot.com
- Encouragement to a Life of No Compromise - http://HisTermsOfService.blogspot.com
We want to thank all our ministries and prayer partners that have taken the time to encourage, build up and help us keep going in the midst of questions, doubts, fears and trials. Below is a list of our friends, partners in prayer, and others who have helped us along the way. Please take the time to visit them as well
Other Ministry Partners and Resources:
- Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church - Our Home Church, Pastor Floyd Edwards, Sr.-Email: floydedwards@live.com - Church Phone: 765-642-1114
- The Prayer Shawl Ministry - Founders: Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo http://www.shawlministry.com/
- Messiah Bible Fellowship: Contact: Pastors Darrel & Carolyn Hargis - Email: OrdainedMHargis@hotmail.com -
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